Commercial Fishing Vessel & Tall Ship Gallery

At Portsmouth’s Commercial Fish Pier, there are typically a good amount of boats docked – above two are featured with their colorful hulls.  I’m fascinated by the equipment on the ships, most of which I have no idea as to its function – but thanks to Deadliest Catch – I feel like I have somewhat of an idea.

On Monday, after the dust settled from the Tall Ships festival – I went for a walk during lunch.  I got another chance to see the beautiful ships docked, without the mayhem of the crowds – and I also appreciated how many boats are typically docked at the Pier…it’s typically full of boats, and when the Tall Ships took their place – it became obvious how many & how big the commercial fishing boats are.  On Monday I saw a boat coming in to unload at La Cava’s Wharf – blasting some classic rock & enjoying the sun. It’s great to see the working waterfront continue on.

The ships were temporarily on the side of the Fish Pier opposite the Shipyard instead of their usual spot closer to Prescott Park.  Check out a small gallery from the Tall Ships festival in 2010 by clicking HERE.