Submarine at the Shipyard

You have to click this one to see it large.  The submarine that is docked in port at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is being hosed off as the shipyard glows in the late day sunlight underneath some colorful and fluffy clouds.  What a serene scene and a nice portrait of the colorful cranes on the Maine horizon.

Fall in the White Mountains

The Lower Falls off the Kancamangus Highway are a beautiful force of nature. With a few extra hours to spare, the decision was made to head north to enjoy some of New Hampshire’s world famous fall foliage.  It was a gorgeous day on Saturday, and we took full advantage – traveling on meandering tree-lined roads, finding a lake, doing a spontaneous photo shoot at the falls, and finishing the day with a meal at the Mount Washington Hotel. More photos to follow throughout the week!


Ikan Selengat | Singapore

This week a freighter arrived from Singapore, the Ikan Selengat.  I decided to check it out on my way home for lunch, and noticed the massive propellor on the stern of the ship. I don’t remember seeing anything similar on other freighters that have arrived in port recently – and I’m always keen to learn more about them.  If anyone knows the story behind it – drop a note in the comments! Have a great weekend…stay tuned this week for some shots from a drive to the White Mountains!

On Marcy Street

Something about the little round granite posts along Prescott Park on Marcy Street drew me in…with the wet stonework in the foreground and the barrier set by the posts, the rhythm of the old homes on the street beyond looked very cool. I love the two old houses that flank the end of Court Street, with the Oracle House (orange home on left) recently being sold. It’s a beautifully maintained old gem…and its neighbor on the opposing side of the street looks to be getting a cleanup too.


On the Rocks

With anything in life, change is constant. While something might be at complete rest, something else is always in perpetual motion. I guess it depends whether you’re the rock or the ocean what your perspective is.

This shot was taken at Nubble Lighthouse in York, Maine on the Atlantic coast. I don’t think I’ve ever visited and not been in awe as I watch the ocean do its thing, especially where the waves meet the rocks.