Brant Point Light

Brant Point Light

For today’s image we head to the island of Nantucket to feature one of its coastal lighthouses.  Brant Point is in walking distance to the island’s main downtown district, and greets visitors on the ferry as they arrive.  It has an iconic red walkway and is usually decorated for the season – featuring an American flag in the summer and a wreath for the Christmas season.  I thought its classic profile looked beautiful beneath a clear blue sky.

At The Beach

An empty lifeguard chair stands watch over the Atlantic Ocean on Craigville Beach in Cape Cod.  I thought this would be appropriate to share as our beaches here in NH have been seeing an influx of visitors this summer – and nearly all lifeguard chairs I’ve ever seen evoke the same essence of being at the beach.

Waterfront at The Cape

The cold snap has me thinking of warmer days.  Reviewing the warmer shots from this year had me back in Cape Cod this past July, with glimpses of the oceanfront, marshes, beautiful homes and a seemingly infinite amount of hydrangeas.  This scene of a vibrant red dory caught my eye one day on our way off to lunch, and looking at it now brings me back.

A Visit from Donald Trump & A Boston Icon

The circus that is the world of New Hampshire in the year before a primary has officially begun.  Donald Trump made a few stops throughout town after flying into Pease in the morning…and heading to a fundraiser at the 100 Club sometime after lunch.  The crowds on Hanover Street spoke volumes to the fascination we have with all that is celebrity and political.

On another note – I wanted to share an image of The Hancock in Boston’s Back Bay neighborhood.  I love this structure and its beautiful glassy facade that reflects all its neighbors.