If you have spent time in Portsmouth in the past few years, chances are that you had to do some searching to find a parking spot (especially if your visit started in the evening hours).  Portsmouth has an acute parking shortage and the city has been working to identify a location for a new parking garage for more than a decade.

On Monday, May 4th, people will have an opportunity to speak in support of a bonding request to FINALLY build a new parking garage.  Some people think that a shuttle and a location outside of the city’s downtown represents a cheaper and better solution for the parking problem, but I strongly disagree as it’s a more expensive long term band aid to address the issue.

Please consider going to City Hall on May 4th.  Visit Portsmouth Parking Problems on Facebook for more information on how you can help.

Early Morning Light Over The Marina

Early Morning Light Over The Marina

The early morning light grazes the undersides of the clouds.  The spring sunrises and sunsets have been beautiful – all of the early and late date color helps to forget about the snow.

Eastern Point Lighthouse

Eastern Point Lighthouse

Today’s image takes a trip into the archives and a departure from the New Hampshire coastline and heads south to Cape Ann in Massachusetts.  Eastern Point Lighthouse sits on the southeastern corner of Gloucester Harbor and is flanked by a long jetty.  Good friend and ridiculously talented photographer Chris Lazzery and I were trying to find a spot to visit one Saturday and decided on this spot – a place I’d never really been despite its proximity to Portsmouth and its rich maritime history.  The light and the location didn’t disappoint!